Ecommerce Website Development

Taking credit cards to sell products and services on the web is no longer a luxury for your business. It's expected. Tera Bear Consulting began its business configuring and supporting some of the best ecommerce sites available from third party providers such as Miva Merchant, osCommerce, and Zen Cart. Eventually we began getting requests to build custom ecommerce applications for our clients. Ecommerce Website Development is a big part of our history as a web application development company. We can advise on all the security and business issues, as well as when it's best to buy canned software solutions, or if there's a need, have us build something customized to your specific goals.

Featured ecommerce website development project from our Website Development Company Portfolio:
Ecommerce Website Development | CEWarehouse

Until they were bought by Staples in 2005, Corporate Express was one of the world's leading office supply businesses. Tera Bear Consulting was asked to put our ecommerce website development skills to task and create a lightweight, easy to administrate ecommerce application allowing Corporate Express warehouses worldwide to post images, prices and descriptions of products in order to sell excess inventory to preferred customers. Separate secure websites were created for each of the 23 warehouses. Other requirements included featured vendor designations, discount calculations, multiple category assignments, and an intuitive user interface design.

Custom Web Application Development | Market Illumination

Market Illumination worked with Tera Bear Consulting to build its membership-driven, web-based assessment tools with a focus on providing training and consulting in the highly specialized area of marketing through the use of color psychology. We provided custom web application development, hosting and support to design and build their secure, web-based application, ecommerce, online surveys, and membership systems.

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