Software Project Management

Some software projects are quick and easy, and others are more involved, requiring months of analysis, planning, research, usability testing, custom web application development, alpha testing, beta testing, regression testing, and finally release. Tera Bear Consulting is experienced with all phases of intermediate-level software project management, production cycles for web applications, and can monitor and advise the client along the way to help avoid unnecessary expansion of scope, complexity, and cost. The Tera Bear Consulting team utilizes and cultivates contacts with a substantial number of independent contractors and resource organizations in the industry. We can bring additional seasoned professionals on-board as necessary to meet client deadlines and requirements while providing regular, timely status updates in plain English.

Featured software project management client from our Website Development Company Portfolio:
Software Project Management | Hodgkins-Beckley Consulting

Founded in 1991, HBC-SLBA, LLC is the nation's leading consulting firm for healthcare management and benefit consulting for student health programs. Boasting one of the first business websites in Colorado, HBC-SLBA has used Tera Bear Consulting for software project management, website development and technical support of their websites. HBC has also relied upon us for the continuing development and maintenance of their various database-backed applications, such as healthcare surveys through, and their custom-built document repository program.

Health and Fitness Program | BasixWellness

BasixWellness is a comprehensive, employer-supported, branded, wellness program provided by Basix, LLC. It is a benefit provided to employees by their employers. Tera Bear Consulting provided consultation, application development services, and project management for a complete rebuild from the ground up of this comprehensive, dynamic, multimedia-rich, data-driven, health and wellness website. Features include account management, multi-tiered administrative reporting derived from user input, a graphical food database, BMI calculations, and audio and video content management. Ongoing support involves general SEO web development, server hosting, email hosting, and database maintenance.

Custom Web Application Development | Market Illumination

Market Illumination worked with Tera Bear Consulting to build its membership-driven, web-based assessment tools with a focus on providing training and consulting in the highly specialized area of marketing through the use of color psychology. We provided custom web application development, hosting and support to design and build their secure, web-based application, ecommerce, online surveys, and membership systems.

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